2420 ELSD 揮發性光散射偵測器

5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
1 Review
Evaporative Light Scattering detection (ELSD) is a HPLC detection technique based on the ability of particles to scatter light whe...

Evaporative Light Scattering detection (ELSD) is a HPLC detection technique based on the ability of particles to scatter light when they pass through a beam of light. The detector will respond to compounds that are less volatile than the mobile phase. Evaporative light scattering therefore offers an alternative detection strategy for compounds that do not have a UV chromophore, and, unlike refractive index detectors, ELSD is compatible with gradient analyses. Evaporative light scattering detection is compatible with a wide range of flow rates and mobile phase compositions and can be part of a multi-detection scheme (for example: PDA/MS/ELSD).

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An ELSD has three basic elements: nebulizer, desolvation tube (often referred to as a drift tube) and scattering chamber. In summary, a solvent stream is nebulized and the droplets formed in the nebulizer are entrained in a flow of gas. The...

An ELSD has three basic elements: nebulizer, desolvation tube (often referred to as a drift tube) and scattering chamber. In summary, a solvent stream is nebulized and the droplets formed in the nebulizer are entrained in a flow of gas. The droplets are evaporated in the desolvation region and, if there was non-volatile analyte present in the solvent stream, dry particles remain which are carried along in the flowing gas and solvent vapor stream. A beam of light intersects the path of the flowing stream. If dry particles are present, they scatter light. The scattered light is measured and the intensity of this light is a function of the size and number of such particles.
-High sensitivity and low noise performance
-Time-controlled temperature, photomultiplier tube (gain) and gas pressure
-Controlled by Waters Empower Software and MassLynx version 4.0 SP2 Software
-Front panel control and up to 10 method storage
-Controls Waters column heater module (CHM)
-Ultimate temperature control utilizing heat at both the nebulizer and drift tube as well as a heated optics bench
-Smallest commercially available detector allowing it to be stacked with other ——-Waters detectors
-Full qualification methodology: IQ/MQ/OQ/PQ for the detector, system and software including test solutions are available
-Supports multiple flow rates and dispersion requirements by providing multiple nebulizers
Serviceability and Usability:
-Front-mounted user replaceable long-life lamp
-Snap in nebulizer mounting
-Calibrated high sensitivity long life PMT
-User diagnostics, including lamp history
-Fail-safe devices such as automatic solvent shut-off switch and leak management

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2420 ELSD 揮發性光散射偵測器 共有 1 則評價


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